English Polski

Guide Service |
Rules and fees in BNP

A professional guide will assist YOU in Bialowieza, surroundings and a great place for nature lovers Bialowieza National Park (BNP).

The Strict Protection Area. Trail To the Oak of Jagiello. Path is about 6 km and takes about 3 hours walk. It goes trough multi-species oak-lime-hornbeam forest. Objects of interest are among others: Bartny Oak, Oak of Jagiello and mast pines.

Regulary price for guide service in German or English is 500 PLN for group (tickets 8 PLN each Person not included). Group to 10 persons.


Warning! Entrance to area by windy, stormy weather is prohibited. Alternatively YOU can visit Bialowieza National Park Nature and Forest Museum and Bison Show Reserve.


Invoice for guide service is possibile.


tel. +48 692 807 216 (WhatsApp)


old oak

Guide Service | Rules and fees in BNP